Professional Year

Professional Year

The Professional Year Program (PYear) is a job-readiness program that bridges the gap between full-time study and professional employment in Australia.
Professional Year, more aptly called the Job Preparedness program is a structured career development designed to enhance a student's ability to obtain employment in their chosen discipline by applying technical skills and knowledge in the Australian workplace and culture.

This program is offered in the following field of Study:
  • Information Technology
  • Accounting
  • Engineering
Benefits of PY:
  1. It provides intership opportunities
  2. It expand your professional circle
  3. It helps you become familiar with Australian Work environments
  4. It gives you an extra 5 points towards your permanet residency application
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility requirements For PYP   
To qualify for the PYP, you need to meet the following criteria
  • Complete an undergraduate program at an Australian University 
  • Apply for, or hold, 485 on your visa
  • Have evidence of a minimum of IELTS 6.0 in all bands
  • Complete valid skills assessments from a relevant professional organisation



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